TV news talent coaching, is taking on a whole new look! The other day, after I wrapped up a successful talent coaching session with a client in Kentucky, I sat back, in my Ohio home, and it hit me. This works! Why did it take me so many talent coaching clients to realize this? ( Click […]
Category: Blog
Beware the Power of One Social Media Post
I found myself in an interesting situation recently and am very curious how my take on it, compares to yours. I already asked many people I know professionally and personally and the response is quite split. I’m trying not to be surprised, and I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. Here it is… While working […]
So Much for Privacy: You’re On Camera, Like It or Not.
Privacy is an interesting word these days. We sure like to think, in the U.S., we still have it. When you think about it enough, though, that idea is more for the “idealists.” It’s the price we pay for the convenience, even the luxury of living in this ever-evolving digital reality. My husband and I […]
Revenge Porn: The Ultimate Cyberbullying
How something considered modern day “sexual expression” can so quickly turn into something as awful sounding as “revenge porn” is eye-opening. It’s something mankind has been doing for centuries—capturing or recreating images of nudity, even sexuality. From Paleolithic art, to Renaissance masterpieces, to, yes, Playboy, and even Playgirl magazines. There’s something about it that’s fascinating, […]
Your Social Media During Coronavirus Crisis: What Does It Say About You?
Bet you have a lot to say right now! Who doesn’t? During this Coronavirus crisis, your social media/online image is the last thing you’re worried about, but there’s plenty of reason to put more thought into it. Certainly, there are so many other pressing issues associated with Coronavirus, or Covid-19. Topping the list, of course, protecting […]
Kids and Kindness. “Chalking” Others Through it.
A walk in the park turns into a dance through kindness. Click to watch the whole story here. So cute to hear how they explain it! “It’s just that people are in such hard times right now, and it’s just to make people happy,” 12-year-old Andrew explains with such sincerity. With his little sister, 10-year-old […]
Giving Back in this Coronavirus Crisis
Free lunch for the “front-line” workers, the Coronavirus crisis heroes. (Watch full story here.) Serdar Dede That’s how the owners of Cafe 422 in Ohio’s Mahoning Valley are doing their part to help out during these uncertain times. Even when there’s no telling how any eating establishment is going to fare when the crisis is […]
Exploring a New Path!
Coming off a couple of very busy weeks, I can’t help but to think about how our lives, and outlook on life, can reshape from year to year. Shoot, how it can do that from day to day, right? I thought I was pretty happy with what I had going for the last several years, […]
Exclusive: Shocking Allegations vs. National Burger Chain
It’s one jaw dropping workplace assault and harassment case after another surfacing lately. Tough enough to hear about the lifelong scars endured by so many, especially women. But, when it’s kids who are the victims, female or male, it’s a whole different level of disturbing. So, if the allegations against one Northeast Ohio fast food […]